Marriage Certificates

These documents were obtained from the Municipal Archives of the City of New York

Marriage certificate of Ignazio Firrantello and Anna Otriano, April 14, 1897.

Anna is buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetary in New Rochelle, not far from the grave of Ignazio and Maria.  Unfortunately, her tombstone is no longer identifiable.  For some reason I was always told her name was India. Notice that they use Annie instead of Anna both for the bride and the groom's mother.

 And again on its side:

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Civil marriage of Ignazio and Maria Quattrocchi, July 11, 1906.

I assume a civil ceremony was required by law just like a marriage license is today.  This, by the way, was the same situation in Italy.

And page two.
  Notice the signatures of Antonino Peri, Maria's uncle, and Nicolo Castiglia, Ignazio's brother.  Maria signed with an X, since she was illiterate. Although this certificate says she is 18, she was actually 16

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Ignazio and Maria were married at St. Lucy's Church in Manhattan on July 29, 1906.
Notice this time the certificate is signed by Pasqua Brancato, the maid of honor and that Maria's "age" has now changed to 19

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