15 YOUNG STREET (Second Floor)

You can contact us at larrfirr@gmail.com

This house is located in Beaver Hills, a nice neighborhood just east of Westville. It is ethnically and economically diverse. It is about two miles from downtown New Haven and Yale and both the 243 and 241 busses stop about one block away. Young Street is a small street but is one block from Whalley Avenue. Although this apartment is on the second and third floors of a two family house, you will have the unique address of 15 Young Street. There is no need to list your address as "apt 2" since the downstairs is known as 11 Young Street.

On the second floor there is a living room connected by an arch to a dining room, a kitchen with an adjacent pantry, a bathroom and two more rooms which can serve as a bedroom and den. On the third floor there are two additional rooms which could serve as bedrooms. There is also a screened in porch off of the front hallway. There is a total of 1300 sqft on the second floor and 800 sqft on the third. There is also a laundry and storage space in the basement. The apartment is accessable by both a front and rear stairway.

Rent is $1,300 a month. A security deposit equal to one month's rent is required also. The house is heated with oil and you will need to set up an account with Apple Oil, and the landlords pay for service and maintenance on the oil tank. You will also need to tranfer the electric bill to your account.

As for pets, we have no problem with one or two cats, or any animal that stays in the apartment (provided it is not dangerous or will cause excessive noise). We are open to a dog, but will need to talk about a few things before we agree.

A brief history

This house was built in 1914 by Dennis Toohill, an imigrant from Ireland. His descendants continued to live in it for many years. Bernadette Reilly, who was his granddaughter owned this house in 2001. We were living in another apartment on Young Street and she asked us to become her tenants. When we saw the downstairs apartment which was nearly twice the size of the place we had been living in, we jumped at the chance.

In 2009 Bernadette passed away and we knew we wanted to buy this house. Unfortuately a lot of legal issues held it up. First probate took nearly a year. It turned out that Bernadette owed more money in loans than the house was worth, so it went into foreclosure. Although it took many months for us to get the bank to sell it to us, it finally happened in 2011. We did some improvements, carpeted the living room and dining room, put an area rug in the only uncarpeted room, bought a new stove, refrigerator and installed a new sink. We also bought a new washer and dryer which is located in the basement. We have had bad experiences with tenanants not paying the rent. For this reason we will need to do a credit check on any potential tenants. References are not required by they would be appreciated. Having been the home of the original owner, we can safely say this is the better of the two apartments.

Your landlords

Larry Firrantello & Mick Brown


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